About Us

We create inclusive space for yoga & nature enthusiasts to retreat into the wilderness of Northern Minnesota.

All of our retreats take place in Minnesota’s wilderness. We occasionally trek to Alaska for an epic adventure as well. We enjoy seeking out new locations that will create fresh experiences for our guests. We also love to repeat a memorable experience at a beloved venue.

Our home base is Deep Portage Learning Center in tiny little Hackensack, MN. We host 1-3 retreats per year in this incredible spot. One of our favorite locations is at Birchwood Wilderness Camp, located on the edge of the Boundary Waters, we takeover this remote camp every August. Our most plush location is Sugar Lake Lodge in Cohasset, MN.

Boreal means “of the north”

pronounced: bo·ree·uhl

We believe north is a state of mind, a place in the heart. We choose to lead somewhat unconventional lives so that we can live in the wild north of Minnesota.

We love inviting others to share in the activities we love- yoga, cross country skiing, snow-shoeing, hiking, paddling & portaging canoes, rock climbing, entering the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, open-water swimming, and more.

We encourage our fellow yoga community to live seasonally in sync, to nurture the natural world and rhythm around them.

We specialize in creating opportunities to feel fully engaged with life through immersion in outdoor experiences. 

At retreats we’ve awoken to over a foot of snow, cross-country skied during a polar vortex, spent countless nights sitting around a bonfire surrounded by deep piles of snow, watched shooting stars stream across the summer sky, and helped women learn to solo-portage canoes for the first time. We instigate laughter, simple daily appreciation, and living this one precious life to its fullest. We love our Minnesota life, and we love to share it with others. 

We are a proud women-owned and run small business in Northern Minnesota.

Read more about Bryana & Amanda here.

We create inclusive space for yoga & nature enthusiasts to retreat into the wilderness of Northern Minnesota.