Adventure Awaits: a yoga retreat for the {aspiring} outdoor enthusiast!

The rustic, wild, and carefree retreat that a certain kind of person waits all year for.

Do you love (or yearn for) a long weekend away from cell phone service? Does taking a 2 mile boat ride (or canoe paddle) to your destination sound appealing? Do you relish in the idea of a simple wooden bunkhouse as your home for the weekend? All this accompanied by the most beautiful yoga deck in the boreal forest, truly present yoga and meditation sessions, delicious food, running water (luxurious!), a 200 ft water slide, day trips to the boundary waters, wilderness rock climbing, sauna, swimming, campfires under the stars, and more? If this all sounds amazing to you, then consider joining us this summer!

This opportunity is returning in August for our 3rd annual Adventure Awaits Yoga Retreats! New this year is that returning alumni of the annual Adventure Awaits Retreats will have the first chance to choose a new Boundary Waters day trip option!

We have two retreats to choose from in 2022:

August 11-14

Led by Amanda Imes, Nora Woodworth, Merrill Norman , Shannon McGrath

August 14-17

led by Bryana Cook, Nora Woodworth, Amal Karim, Jessica Wiens


Tickets go on sale March 13 at 7:00am!

Yes, we are aware that it’s daylight savings, and no we didn’t realize that until recently. We’ve got major mom brain going on (Bryana has a 6 week old baby and Amanda is in her 3rd trimester of pregnancy….yes it’s a valid excuse for everything and anything lol). We are sorry for any potential confusion with daylight savings, but certainly hope it’s not an issue!

Set your alarm!

Someone asked us, “does this retreat sell out like a rock concert?” The answer is, “historically yes”. For the past two years our Adventure Awaits retreats have sold out in 20 minutes or less.

This is our most intimate, small group yoga retreat.

Each retreat for Adventure Awaits is only a group of 25 participants. Typically a Boreal Bliss Yoga Retreat is somewhere around 50 people or more.

Because this retreat is so small (limited sleeping quarters), and tends to sell out quickly, we have reserved Adventure Awaits as a women’s retreat. All of our other retreats wholeheartedly welcome male yogis as well.

Learn more about Adventure Awaits below.

The link for purchase will go live on March 13 promptly at 7:00am.

Looking for more creature comforts combined with your yoga and lakeside enjoyment?

Check out our second annual Luxurious Lake Life Yoga Retreat this June 3-5!

This retreat is on sale now and over half full.

BIPOC Scholarships

As part of our ongoing commitment to equity and diversity in the yoga space, our BIPOC scholarship application is open for all of our summer yoga retreats. Please apply by selecting your desired retreat above and scrolling down near the registration button. Thank you!


Introducing Sarah Herrick-Smisek of DLH


Introducing Erin Haefele of the Green Scene in Walker, Minnesota