Yoga Teacher Training and a Reunion

A personal reflection on Boreal Bliss 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training and a one-year reunion written by Jessica Baumhofer.

Thank you Jess! Read on for her personal account below.


During the middle of lockdown in spring of 2020 I made a decision that felt wild and a little crazy at the time… I registered for Yoga Teacher Training with the ladies who had changed my whole perspective on what Yoga means- the Boreal Bliss team of amazing women! 

I really had no idea what I was doing, did I want to be a Yoga Teacher? Or just learn more? What did it even look like with the world shut down?

It was an amazing journey; 9 strangers gathered together in August (safely of course) and over the next 9 months learned from the amazing teachers and from each other. The in-person immersions were life changing. We gather in-person in August, October and May. We learned, we shared, we laughed, cried and danced! The bond formed between us is strong and everlasting! 

In May we had a one-year reunion at Camp Olson, where our training took place. We had planned it out and saved the date and then we gathered! Sadly two women could not attend (we missed them lots). There were 7 of us there together sharing stories about the last year. We felt rebellious because we slept until 7am! 

We had a light schedule that included class, sound bowls, meditation and naps! We shared amazing food thanks for one of the cohorts! We again laughed, shared stories and enjoyed each other’s company. We have been told by other teachers that although they had good experiences with teacher training, having a reunion would not even cross their mind. 

We are all so grateful for the time we had together and plan to continue our reunion annually. Some of us talk more often as well. 

The Boreal Bliss women not only gave us the gift of teaching Yoga but they gave us the gift of learning what it means to live a Yoga lifestyle and the gift of a deep bond with other women we likely never would have met. I am eternally grateful! 


Thank you Jessica for this beautiful reflection and your high praise of our program! Thank you to the 9 women who joined us in our very first 200-hour yoga teacher training. Your time with us was (and still is) significantly impactful. We love continuing to walk alongside you, and learn with you, as you move forward on your journey.


The BB Gals


Lux Lake Life Recap


Yoga at McQuade Tuesdays 6-7pm