200 Hours Complete!

Cohort 2 of Boreal Bliss Yoga Retreats 200 hour yoga teacher training officially graduated April 16, 2023! 

First things first: BIG congratulations to this crew!!

This fine group of humans dedicated over 200 hours of learning about all things yoga.  As many of you know, this is not just about physical postures (asana).  They dove deep into yoga philosophy, lifestyle, and ethics for yoga teachers, anatomy and physiology, teaching methodology, techniques, training and practice, and special topics such as yoga for seniors, prenatal methods, children’s yoga, props, restorative yoga, and more. They read, wrote, studied, practiced, discussed, (and yes sometimes played!) their hearts out. 

Cohort 2 developed their own unique class in which they delivered to an audience of their choice, received feedback, and then expertly taught to one another as their final practicum.  

Each of them taught such amazing classes!  Amanda and Bryana were so thrilled to see their unique personalities shine through.  We thoroughly enjoyed their class creations and we hope that you are able to join them one day for a yoga session.  One thing that’s special about our YTT is that our graduates are all invited to join us as an apprentice at a retreat upon graduation. So those of you joining us at a retreat in the coming year may have an opportunity to take classes from one of these recent grads! 

Right now, the following students have classes open to the public and we invite you to join them!  

How it Started

The group began their 200-hour YTT journey in August with an initial virtual session.  We gathered in-person, retreat-style in September, October, January, March, and April.  

September was a long weekend at Camp Olson in Longville, MN.  We were met with beautiful fall weather and plenty of outdoor education sessions.  There was a yoga retreat occurring simultaneously that was led by Amanda Imes and Stacy Nightwine.  Jessica Baumhofer-Frank assisted with the initial forming of our Cohort 2! Theresa Bilben attended as a guest teacher with restorative yoga and props.  We engaged in initial group formation activities, hiked all around beautiful Camp Olson, discussed yoga philosophy, anatomy, studied specific poses, and experienced meditation.  The group took an in-depth look at Sun Salutations and even practiced teaching Sun Salutation A! A highlight was live music with Sonja Bjordal of Feeding Leroy during an outdoor session taught by Amanda.

October was a weekend at Eagle Bluff in Lanesboro, MN.  There was a yoga retreat co-occurring that was led by Stacy and Jessica. Colombe Anderson assisted for our weekend together! Colombe guided us through more prop empowerment sessions and challenged us to consider using “customizing” vs. “modifying” in our cueing.  Our cohort began to develop their own unique voice and sequence their personal yoga class. 

November involved two virtual workshops.  Amanda led us through a presentation on the science of stress relief and Joella Bostic was a special guest speaker on the topic of pranayama (breathwork).

December involved two virtual workshops. We enjoyed guest workshops from Jaina Portwood.  We are so thrilled that she shared such a wealth of knowledge with us on the topics of philosophy, history, and subtle anatomy. 

January was one of our extended sessions for 5 nights/6 days at Camp du Nord in Ely, MN on the edge of the Boundary Waters. Colombe Anderson and Jessica Baumhofer-Frank assisted our weekend together.  Amal Karim and  Julie Welle delivered amazing yoga asana and workshop sessions!  Alison Olson Cox led an informative Law & Yoga session. We dove into chakras, props, philosophy, anatomy, sequencing, cueing, and class delivery. We thoroughly enjoyed an immersion into the winter wonderland Camp du Nord.  A highlight was the wood-fired sauna on the water’s edge combined with a cold plunge into Burntside Lake under a full moon.

February involved two virtual workshops. Amanda led us through a workshop on the business of yoga, including all the details regarding taxes, registering a business, insurance, setting up a website, and more! Bryana led sessions on subtle anatomy of yoga.

March was a weekend at Deep Portage in Longville, MN. A weekend retreat was also co-occurring that was led by Stacy Nightwine, Jessica Baumhofer-Frank, and Amal Karim.  Our YTT educational components involved the study of Ayurveda, anatomy, yoga for seniors, discussion on philosophy, and a deeper look at savasana. We enjoyed the sunshine combined with snow, itching for the arrival of Spring.  A highlight was a hike to the 360 degree lookout tower above the treetops. Three of our students also delivered their practicum classes to the group. 

April marked our final extended session, and graduation week, for 5 nights/6 days at Camp du Nord in Ely, MN on the edge of the Boundary Waters.  We had the expansive campus to ourselves for the week.  Bryana and Amanda led the group and also enjoyed partaking in their practicum yoga classes! We focused on specialty topics that incorporated the Yamas & Niyamas, the power of art, children’s yoga, yoga in nature, myofascial release, inversions, restorative yoga, The Hero’s Journey, and more.  We celebrated the completion of over 200hours of education together.  Strong bonds and friendships were made!   This is a special time in one’s life and it’s hard for it to be over. 

How it’s Going

Well, it’s about 1.5 weeks since this group officially graduated.  We are still relishing in the journey, knowledge gained, and fun lasting memories.  We cannot wait to see where these individuals go on their path. 

Throughout the remainder of 2023 and into 2024, we will be prioritizing internship and mentorship opportunities at retreats for this cohort. You will see them joining us as assistants, yoga teachers, workshop special guests, and more!  We are looking forward to working with them and helping them to flourish with their unique talents.  

When is the next 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training?

Our plan for the next cohort is August 2024 - April 2025.  Many folks tell us it’s so hard to wait that long?!?!  We understand that.  We really put a lot into our YTT, and it’s unlike any 200-hour yoga teacher training you are going to find out there.  We invest a lot into the planning and delivery of the program.  With that, we are currently relishing in some “time off”, which actually means just really throwing all of our creative energy into retreats that we are super pumped about!

Look for more information on the next round of our 200-hour teacher training this winter.  You can sign up for our BB YTT Newsletter to be the first to hear the news on the next training.   We also recommend joining us for a retreat prior to applying for YTT.  We have a unique way of doing things, and we’ve found it’s nice for you (and us) if you retreat with us so you definitely know that we jive! (For example, if you don’t like taking your mat outside, our YTT might not be for you!)


What are you training for?


Keeping You in the Loop!