I seek flow.
Happy New Year everyone! Thank you for another year of Boreal Bliss Yoga Retreats.
We went from Northern Minnesota to Alaska, and even connected virtually. Thank you for being a part of our lives! It’s truly a special honor.
I’m personally filled with gratitude for the past year, and excitement for what lays ahead.
This year, the concept that called to me in my annual New Year’s journaling reflections with Amanda was… FLOW. My sankalpa (vow/commitment/mantra) for the year is:
I seek flow.
We are currently reading the book, True Fun by Catherine Price for our January yoga retreats. In it she identifies that True Fun is the confluence of playfulness, connection, and flow.
Specifically, “flow is a state of being so absorbed or engaged in activity that you lose track of time.” - Catherine Price
This is not to be confused with “junk flow”, which Price differentiates as “passive state of consuming content”, i.e. mindless social media scrolling, tv binging, numbing out with substances, consuming news past a productive point, etc.
I’m loving the word flow, and bringing more focus on inviting it into my life. Whether I’m at work, rest, play, or quality time with my family - I’ll be seeking flow.
Today I went through certain apps that have somehow weaseled their way into sending me notifications: facebook, shutterfly, and snapchat to be exact. I don’t want notifications trying to pull my attention and flow state away. I’m also debating deleting email and social media from my phone from time-to-time to experience longer periods of flow. Social media is one I have deleted and don’t really have a problem with doing so. Email though? Oooooh that’s a toughy for me!
I do however really think it rings true when author Catherine Price states, “if we want to experience more True Fun (or flow in this case), we need to minimize the amount of time we spend trying to pay attention to multiple things at once.”
I will be working on identifying more ways to minimize distraction and maximize flow this year. For now, I thought I’d give you a glimpse into my current practice!
Yoga is a practice in life after all, right? On the mat, off the mat…. Bringing the concepts and principles into my life is really what calls to me again, and again.
Happy New Year, Bryana
Join us at a winter retreat!
Need a deposit + payment plan for a winter getaway? Feel free to email us at hello@borealblissyogaretreats.com! We will set something up with you.
More on each of our remaining three winter retreats here: