I do not know much about #sports, but I do know that in Alabama the phrase “roll tide” rolls off the tongue for hello, goodbye, a form of agreement, and so on. Formally, the phrase means, “I support the University of Alabama.” Sometimes the phrase is shortened to just TIDE, or TIDE BABEYYYY.
That same dedication fuels my love for 'Yuletide.' From December 21 to January 2, it’s our cheer, our mantra, our way of life.
Having waffles? Want some chocolate chips on those? YULETIDE!
Sitting down for a movie night? Don’t you dare put on anything other than a Christmas movie. TIDE BABY!
Wrapping gifts? Why not wrap with a friend? TIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDE.
Luckily, I’ve been advocating this phrase long enough that my friends and family both know about yuletide and are fully on board.
I am passionate about yoga. I love sharing the gifts of yoga with y’all. Ya know what else I’m passionate about? Yuletide. It will make me infinitely happy if I hear that you too are adopting this Yuletide tradition.
This is not a time for overachieving.
Beginning on the Winter Solstice, we enter this sacred period of time.
Our lives in Western Civilization are demanding, busy, and overfull. There are two times each year that the machine (sort-of) powers down. Over Independence Day and between Dec 24 - Jan 1.
Bryana and I believe Yuletide begins on the Solstice (Dec 21) and ends after the New Year (Jan 2).
So this is your cue. Power down. Take the opportunity to rest and recharge while you have it.
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. ”
This is a time for doing exactly as much as we want to.
This is a time for deep, soul-nourishing, REST.
I will not be deep cleaning during Yuletide. I will not be scheduling work meetings or putting in extra hours. I will not exercise on my regular schedule.
Yesterday, Drew and I made a Yuletide to-do list. A few elements on our list:
Watch When Harry Met Sally
Sledding party with cider by the fire
Make Chex Mix
Make chili in the Dutch Oven over the fire
Dry orange slices
Go skiing at least twice
Walk the Huldrefolk Trail (this is a must if passing through Duluth)
Take at least one sauna/cold plunge in Lake Superior
Then today, Bryana sent me a Yuletide bingo card she created. We were definitely on the same page
Our friend Nora, also has this great Winter Scavenger Hunt. Registration opens on December 20th: adults and/or kids are welcome to participate! The point? To get outside, get curious, and enjoy winter!
We provide these resources in solidarity… to keep us in the enjoyment of time off with our families during winter break, and away from the overwhelm. Anyone else start to feel a daunting feeling creep in shortly after the sigh of relief and excitement for Christmas and winter break? Yeah…exactly. This year I’m arming myself with low-key plans and goals in the form of a fun bingo card for all of us. Feel free to make your own bingo card, checklist, or scavenger hunt! Fill it with the things YOU really want to do!
And remember… going outside is essentially a reset button that all of us (the whole family) needs. Unplug it, and it’ll work again like it’s intended.
Facing Holiday Pressures
We have now been writing these weekly blogs for 8 years- themes do repeat themselves. Once, Bryana wrote about Yuletide having an attitude of going easy on yourself.
The other day we laughed because that phrase really sunk in for me and I think I take it the extra mile.
The holidays are truly a time with loads of invisible labor (primarily done by women).
Planning parties, wrapping gifts, mailing holiday letters, baking cookies, decorating the house, and purchasing gifts for the aunts, cousins, mail carrier, bus driver, teachers, and care providers on the list. Of course, there’s the rare Clark Griswold among us, but often it is women doing this work.
It was only as an adult that I realized that the magic of Christmas was really just the very hard work of my mom.
I try really hard to embrace the small moments of the season. I also work hard to make sure I’m also experiencing the JOY of the season and not the STRESS.
Baking Christmas cookies is great, but only if it is not at the expense of my mental health. If I can handle it, great. If it’s too much, then maybe we will just buy some pre-made dough and bake that instead.
Christmas parties are the best! But only if my family is healthy, the travel will not add too much stress to our schedule, and the people attending are safe for my family’s emotional wellbeing.
I do love the tradition of Holiday Cards, but if mine don’t go out until December 29th, I’m not going to sweat it.
Christmas gifts are lovely, but only if I’m not stressed and overwhelmed with the wrapping, the expense, the amount of new clutter in the house, and so-on.
What I’m getting at is that the moments we cherish from the holidays are full of sweetness. If you need to put up some boundaries or cut some corners to give yourself a break- do that. Buy that premade Costco meal, ya know what I mean?
The other day I found myself in Target. Immediately I felt like such a loser.
I was suddenly aware that I hadn’t planned out holiday attire for my family or purchased matching pajamas. I felt like I did not have enough gifts or stocking stuffers. I have also felt this at various times when the internet continues to bombard me with things I “need.”
The pressures of capitalism around the holidays are intense and ever-present.
I really want to buy my father-in-law that bird feeder that takes photos of the birds because I want to show him how much I love him, but ya know what, I don’t need to spend $250 on that right now (or ever). Last night my friend shared the gifts she’s giving her kids. I felt that scarcity creep in. Do I need that stuff for Oslo? Did I get enough? Will Christmas be magical?
Again and again I am returning to the mantra that we have everything we need. We have more than enough.
Yuletide is a time for the comforts of home and family.
Yuletide is a time for wandering among evergreens and gazing up at the night sky.
Yuletide is for sleeping in and staying up late.
Yuletide is a time for silence, awe, and wonder.
So, this season, let Yuletide be your guide. Embrace rest, wonder, and the simple joys of the holidays. Join us in making this sacred time one of true peace and connection.
All our love for your holidays,
Amanda & Bryana
Kick-off your Yuletide with us:
Live Virtual Workshop
Cozy in at home with your mat, journal, a candle, and blanket: more info + register