Fireside: Week Two
I got into yoga when seeking a movement-based, feel-good experience. After years of different styles, teachers, and information - the sneaking suspicion that there is more to this thing called yoga got the best of me. I leapt into a yoga teacher training. The world opened up to me in a whole new way. Not at first, and it certainly wasn’t clear immediately. I dredged my way through a lot of mud and fog. Right now I’m experiencing clarity, although I’m humbly aware that this state of mind ebbs and flows.
I also know that I am largely (not totally) in control of my own clarity. I have learned to attribute this sense of grounded-ness to my sustained morning ritual. A simple, sometimes short routine that I had been somewhat resistant to for years. For some reason it seemed impossible, but there was always a calling to it in the back of my mind. I know these are simply the stages of readiness we go through.
I’m ready for it now.
In the morning I wake up slowly, before the sunrise. I’ve been working on also honoring the feel and essence of the season. That means that sometimes my ideal wake-time is 5:30am, and currently in the depths of winter, it can be 7:00-7:30am.
I may work with my husband to do a few morning readiness things: feed the dog, get the baby milk and banana, make the coffee, make a fire, etc.
Then I settle into my little corner of our small office. I start my diffuser, turn on the salt rock lamp, position my books and journal, fold a blanket for sitting, and I stand to look out the window. I acknowledge the darkness, the quiet of the morning, and I listen to my breath.
After my initial rounds of pranayama, I listen to my body and follow a few minutes of organic movement. Maybe some standing postures, mostly seated, and perhaps a few reclined. Finishing with seated position, another round of intentional pranayam, and silent meditation.
I open my eyes to the day beginning to awaken. First light of the day appears. I grab my morning reading, currently Meditations from the Mat by Rolf Gates, sometimes followed by Embrace Yoga’s Roots by Susanna Barkataki, and then I reflect and journal. Sometimes I journal about my reading that day, sometimes I journal what happened the day before, and sometimes I journal ideas for the future.
Then I grab my day planner and revisit, add to, check-off my to-do list.
This process brings me an immense sense of well-being, connectedness, and clarity. Currently I’ve found there’s just enough structure and commitment, with room for flexibility and change depending on what I need for that day and season of life.
In our Morning Rituals live virtual workshop as part of The Fireside Series, we processed a few ideas on how to cultivate a unique morning ritual that suits your needs and lifestyle.
Participants practiced a taste of my morning ritual, and then journaled how it resonated with them. For some it was inviting and eased the intimidation factor of what they “thought” a yoga practice should look like. For others it was incomplete, lacking that energizing factor to set them up for the morning mindset they were looking for. That awareness is what we want!
After journaling and reflection, we had some back and forth idea sharing and discussion. We love this part as teachers. I know it helps everyone else in the good ole zoom room to hear your challenges and ideas as well.
One takeaway is that nearly everyone finds it challenging to commit to self-care routines. We empathize with your frustration because we’ve been there too. We KNOW what is good for ourselves, but why is it so hard? I offered a reading from Rolf Gates, with a final line that rings true:
“...and yet the obstacles in the path are our path.”
Whatever it is that holds you back from committing to your desired routine, do not be discouraged. You are making headway, even if it doesn’t feel like it. This right now, it is your path.
Journal prompts to begin to build self-awareness:
What do my morning routine currently consist of?
In a perfect world, what would my morning routine look like to set me up for my day?
What are the current obstacles in my path to get there?
Keep it short, and lessen the expectation on yourself - 10 minutes consistently is great!
Keep it simple, less is more.
Ebb and flow with the seasons: in winter do you prefer a quiet meditation in the morning? In summer do you prefer a mindful quiet walk?
Choose a book to read a short excerpt from each day during your routine that helps you frame the mindset you are seeking: poetry, daily reader, anything you like.
Have a journal handy to jot down thoughts and intentions - no expectations or perfection or even a certain outcome necessary.
“Location has energy, time has memory.” - Jay Shetty Have your little corner set-up the night before if you can. Or have your items ready to go. Even the little space at the foot of your bed makes for a clear space with plenty of room. Have your yoga mat, book, journal, socks, and anything else in the corner ready to go.
Simple and comfortable clothing - I have my sweatshirt and sweatpants ready to throw on in the morning. I typically don’t even worry about a bra. That’s too much effort first thing in the morning for me. :)
Below are some fun challenges to spice up your month!
Mailing a card is a great way to surprise and delight a friend, as well as to cultivate feelings of gratitude and contentment. The physical act of sitting down and writing a card is meaningful and rewarding. Bonus: include a quote or poem that moves you, write a little poem for your friend, pop in a stick of gum or a sticker. Keep it simple and send it!
This Quarantine Card Pack from our friend Abby at The Big Lake made letter writing super fun and easy for me! Abby will hand-select ten, adorable cards for you. It is a delight! (bonus: supporting local!) Use the promo code BLISS for 10% off your order, Thanks Abby!)
Spaghetti squash is nature’s spaghetti. I’ve found the recipe below makes for perfect spaghetti squash.
Preheat oven to 400.
Cut squash in half.
Scoop out seeds (if you would like, you can bake the seeds just like pumpkin seeds!)
Lightly coat with olive oil, salt, and pepper.
Flip squash cut side down on a baking sheet. Perforate the skin with a fork.
Bake for 30 min, any longer and squash will start to get mushy.
Let squash cool for a bit. Then it is good to eat! Simply scrape it out with a fork. You can enjoy any way you would enjoy noodles, with pesto, with olive oil/salt/pepper, with spaghetti squash and meatballs… etc! I’ve been enjoying the following:
Squash Spaghetti bake
While squash is baking saute a veggie mix of your liking. I’ve been using mushrooms, onions, zucchini, bell pepper, and italian sausage. I saute one vegetable at a time so they don’t get overdone.
After sauteed, place veggies in a big bowl and add spaghetti sauce.
Once squash has cooled, scrape “noodles” into a glass pan. You will want to put a bit of oil in glass pan to avoid sticking.
Layer your sauce/veggie mixture on top.
Top with parmesan or almond flour and bake at 350 for 10-15 min.