Winter Wonderland Adventures

We resolved to only do virtual opportunities until warmer weather appeared again.  Health, safety, and care has always been our number one priority.  And then, we realized that by not hosting our annual February retreats at Deep Portage, we were impacting several of our partners- Green Scene Catering, massage therapists, and Deep Portage Learning Center. 


 Small business is an ecosystem - we rely on one another. 

We are unique and make experiences extra special.  Where would we be without all of the little specialty small businesses in the area? Where would we be without the non-profit Deep Portage Learning Center?

Deep Portage has over 6,000 acres of land in Hackensack, MN and a building that is nearly 40,000 square feet.  The Great Hall alone is 2,400 square feet with high ceilings, and oversized fireplace, and gorgeous windows lining the hall.  With masks, social distancing, carefully packaged to-go lunches, and endless outdoor opportunity, we thought we could organize two day retreats with small groups of attendees. 

So we decided to move forward. After months of planning and anticipation, I suddenly came down with flu-like systems only five days before the first one-day retreat. 

I had been looking forward to our Winter Wonderland Day Retreats since back in Sept/Oct?!

I live a very isolated life with work from home and limited interactions with my husband, our 1 year old, and my parents for childcare. Very grateful for that privilege! Yet- somehow I got sick. I tested negative for covid the week prior to the first retreat. Yet I resolved to not take any chances... so I stayed home with my family while Stacy and Joella stepped up to the plate.  I am very grateful to have a team and friends that I can count on to deliver an awesome experience for everyone.



Health and safety first - then fun! And fun we DID have! 

Joella and Stacy lead our first day retreat with an incredible group of women.  A full day of outdoor campfires, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, yoga, and delicious lunch from the Green Scene of Walker, MN.  The conditions were IDEAL!  A balmy 30 degree day- not too warm for good skiing and not too cold for lounging outside by the campfire.  


A day of laughter, fresh air, and community out in the northwoods. 

The following weekend, Stacy and I led another group of amazing women.  Seriously - we are SO LUCKY to be doing this work!

The day was winter wonderland perfection, with maybe a litttttleeeee bit of adventurous spirit needed as the temperature was much colder. 

When you host retreats in February, there is always a risk that we may be in the midst of a winter weather warning. We’ve hosted retreats during blizzards, we’ve awoken to a foot of fresh snow that wasn’t in the forecast, and now we’ve hosted a retreat during a polar vortex. It’s all part of the wild north we know and love. I tend not to bat an eye at blizzards or temps in the double digits below zero. However, I do know it can be an emotional hurdle to get outside when temperatures are extremely cold. Something I value is sharing my enthusiasm for getting outside despite the frigid temps. I am constantly reminding Amanda that there is no such thing as bad weather, just a need for better clothing. (Amanda can be a bit wimpy when temps drop below zero and yes, I have her permission to share this with you.) 


These women were troopers with a high of -5 degrees!!  When you are outside and getting those muscles moving you barely notice the frigid temps.  However I will admit that it is a little less desirable to lounge around outside by the campfire!  Our gals got outside, and even hiked to the top of the lookout tower when the wind chill was at -20 degrees.  With the sun out in full force, everyone was surprised that it didn’t actually feel too bad outside! Minnesotans wear a cold day spent outside like a badge of honor.

Extreme weather has a way of making us feel ALIVE! It pushes us to the edge of our comfort zone, and like everything, often the best adventures take place when we venture into the unknown and discomfort.


What a day.  Thank you to both groups of Winter Wonderlanders.  

I was very impressed with how our yogis embraced adventure, and took mask-wearing, social-distancing, and health and safety precautions in stride.  It has become a normal part of our lives, but I must say I know I’m not alone in feeling like it’s getting very exhausting.  Nevertheless, we do what we gotta’ do to protect ourselves, our loved ones, our front-line workers, and our community.  


For now I feel best heading back to isolation, hermitting, solitude, and the virtual world.  We are doing our best to remain patient, and continue our focus on healthy, safety, and care for ourselves and our communities.

Here are a few more fun pics from our Winter Wonderland Day Retreats!

Our virtual opportunities are there for you.  We have more ideas on the horizon as well.  What we most look forward to is warmer weather, a widely available vaccine, health and wellness, community connection, and rejuvenating time spent up north.  

We are dreaming of our retreats at Madden’s Resort on Gull Lake (Luxurious Lake Life Yoga Retreat) and Birchwood Wilderness Camp at the end of the Gunflint Trail (Adventure Awaits Yoga Retreat), on the Seagull River, on the edge of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. 


One year as a mom, almost a year since "six weeks to flatten the curve"


Adventure Awaits: a yoga retreat for the {aspiring} outdoor enthusiast