Becoming a Yoga Teacher

When is the last time you took a BIG risk, leapt into the unknown, did something that scared you?

The beginning of our lives are full of opportunity- new year in a school, new classmates, new hobbies, new possibilities. As time goes on, it can be easy to get comfortable. To settle into a routine, home, and job that are comfortable. It can be easy to go years (or decades!) without investing in our own growth, taking a class, taking a big trip, pushing ourselves to the edge of our known universe.

Comfy is great. Certainly, finding contentment is one of the most important things we can do in this ol’ life.

But... if you close your eyes and think of the things that transformed you, that made you feel ALIVE, that opened doors to new friendships and new possibilities, I'm guessing it all started with taking a risk.

Finding your edge, that little bit of discomfort, is often where your greatest transformations take place. 

One thing I can promise you about yoga teacher training- it will take you out of your comfort zone and open your heart and mind to new possibilities. 

Are you ready to take the leap? 


“The question we need to ask ourselves is: what is success to us? More money? That's fine. A healthy family? A happy marriage? Helping others? To be famous? Spiritually sound? To express ourselves? To create art? To leave the world a better place than we found it?

What is success to me? Continue to ask yourself that question. How are you prosperous? What is your relevance?

Your answer may change over time and that's fine but do yourself this favor – whatever your answer is, don't choose anything that would jeopardize your soul. Prioritize who you are, who you want to be, and don't spend time with anything that antagonizes your character. Don't depend on drinking the Kool-Aid – it's popular, tastes sweet today, but it will give you cavities tomorrow.

Life is not a popularity contest. Be brave, take the hill. But first answer the question.” Matthew McConaughey, Greenlights

More information on our second round of yoga teacher training below.

We are now accepting applications!

Due to limited group size availability, we recommend applying as soon as possible.


Filling in the Gaps to an Outdoor Life: Maple Syrup


Go on the Trip Mama: a reflection of my annual gal pal BWCA excursion