We've been mixing things up a bit in 2022

Wow, it seems spring is finally here. That winter sure hung on at the end there!

I thought I’d share a bit about how and why things are a bit different in 2022.

First Up: Our Maddens Retreat in June!

When we started Boreal Bliss, our guiding principle was that we wanted to offer adventurous retreats for people like us. We knew we couldn’t afford a yoga retreat in another country, yet we wanted the yoga retreat experience. So for our first several years we focused our retreats in settings where we could keep our ticket prices as affordable as possible. Over the past year we have added two retreats on the higher end, the Hygge Retreat at Maplelag Resort and the Luxurious Lake Life Retreat at Madden’s. For the first time we offered retreats where our guests didn’t have to bring their own sleeping bag. (-; While affordable, adventurous retreats are still at the core of who we are and what we offer, we have found we have loved adding these options to our calendar! We also love exploring new corners of Minnesota and new locations.

For the first time ever, we’ll be running two retreats simultaneously. We’ll be running one retreat with an Explorations track focused on vinyasa and invigorating movement, as well as a Foundations track, focused on hatha yoga, foundational postures, and restorative yoga. We chose this format because Maddens is the only venue we utilize that accommodate two groups at once. We are excited about this format as it allows friends to join with different yoga preferences and enjoy all the amenities and meals together while also choosing the yoga track that best fits their needs. Yogis can also pick and choose from either schedule to select the classes that speak to them.

In general, Madden’s is quite different than most of our retreats. It is one of the few retreats where we don’t include a book club option, as we really want guests to enjoy rest and relaxation at the resort.

Because Bryana and I are in the thick of things with new kiddos, we are bringing an awesome team with us to Madden’s this year to help make this experience special for our guests. Over the years we’ve had the privilege of meeting and working with many gifted individuals. We feel so fortunate to be able to hire gifted instructors, take their classes, learn from them, and share their gifts with all of you! It is one of our favorite parts of this job!

Later this summer: Birchwood in August!

There’s so much to love about Birchwood. One of my favorite aspects is the smaller group size and the extra day. This retreat is limited to 23 participants and includes three nights on the northernmost edge of Minnesota and deep in the heart of Minnesota’s wilderness.

This will be our third year heading to Birchwood, with many retreaters returning for more and as such, we had to go back to the drawing board to think of ways to change things up a bit! For the first time ever we’ll be taking a group to Cache Bay for the BWCA day trip.

We are always trying to think of ways to make our retreats new and exciting! It is one of the things that brings us the most joy!

Then: The Fall Retreats & YTT Commence!

This fall, the biggest changes will begin. Bryana will be leading our 200 hour YTT cohort at the retreat locations while I lead smaller retreats at the same venue. While in some ways it is a bummer to limit our group sizes at the fall retreats, I am excited about smaller groups! I am also thrilled to be on the teaching journey with Bryana and the YTT cohort. Bryana will be the lead teacher and I’m kind of like the fun aunt who gets to pop by now and then for a class or a workshop.

We are so THRILLED about our special guests and themes for the fall retreats. We have incredible book clubs lined up, live music, massage, and talented teachers. We are excited to allow our YTT cohort to experience all the perks of our retreat locations while immersed in study.

Pulling together aspects of each retreat truly inspires us as yoga teachers and human beings walking this earth.

Next Winter: Hygge, Deep Portage, and YTT

Next year we’ll be heading back to Callaway and Maplelag Resort for another Hygge Retreat. This was a highlight of my winter and I can’t wait to head back. While I’m retreating with y’all, Bryana will be at Camp du Nord with our YTT cohort.

We’ll be back at Deep Portage for our annual retreat. We will have more information on those retreats later this summer. The rest of the winter details have yet to be worked out, but that is what we know for now!

That’s all for now friends! I just wanted to pop on and share a bit of the reasoning behind our upcoming offerings! Enjoy the new season and I hope you are well!

Whether we met once, or you’ve been to several retreats, I think of retreaters often. We’ve made many, many memories together and I look forward to many more. Life is short and every day is a gift. I sure am thankful for our weekend adventures together.

Much Love, Amanda


Yoga at McQuade Tuesdays 6-7pm


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