

The smooth satin of Christmas

that touches the well deep within

the place where grace and hope reside-

it arrives in the quiet 

If we are too busy rushing, wrapping, scurrying, cooking, baking

We may miss it

It can be found in a large pile of coats on a bed;

Sneakily placing gifts from Santa below the tree

In the peaceful stillness before dawn;

In my Mom’s rum cake;

Or when snuggled up

Watching an old favorite,

The softness of a shoulder to lean on

a child or cat across our lap


Christmas is rarely found inside a box

More often it is felt when stuffing

Chubby toes into lacy tights

And remembering our Mother doing the same

A twinkle in an eye

A glimmer in the dark

The shadow cast from a flickering candle

The cackling of a fire

Light pooling out a familiar window, beckoning


Christmas is found in the long night

stars slung low in the sky 

breath in warm halos

the crunch of snow underfoot 

wonder and mystery

an unanswered question 

daring to believe in 

the best parts of who we are 

And so my dear friends, take care. 

Slow down. 

If it can wait, wait. 

If it can be skipped, skip it. 

If it can be simplified, simplify. 

In America we so often agree on a time to slow down and rest. The period of time between the Winter Solstice, Dec 21st, and the New Year is a period made for deep, soul nourishing rest- Yuletide. Steep in all things warm and cozy. Step away from anything and everything that stresses you. Life is meant to be enjoyed- find ways to enjoy it. 

And to those of you that have been doing it all- well done! You did it! Now find a way to hunker down, power down the machine, let go of rigid organization and slink into the sofa and some pajamas. 

Below is my favorite poem this holiday season. Happy Holidays. <3

IT// will be you.

They don't know it yet, but when they're grown and starting their own Christmas traditions, it will be you they mirror. Your family recipes will grace their holly dressed table and the classic punch you spiked will come out after lunch. They'll search for the same candle scent that you burned to get that nostalgic smell that is woven into their memories. They will play the carols that feel like home, that feel like you. Their children's handmade snowmen and reindeer will be hung with pride just like theirs were, and carrots will be nibbled on Christmas Eve in the same way you did all those years ago. Morning elves, phantom sleigh bells, and Santa photos will create the same joy and excitement for their kids that you created for them. 

When they think of Christmas, it will be you.

It will be you they emulate, you they remember, 

you they want to be for their kids. 

You're their memories,

you're their magic,

You're their Christmas. 

Janessa Docking

Winter Solstice Live Virtual Workshop

Self-Care in Winter; where Hygge meets Friluftsliv

December 21, 2023

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Light a candle, make yourself a comfy and quiet space, grab your mat and journal, and treat yourself to 120 minutes of self-care. It can be fun to share the practice and your answers with a friend or loved one!


2023 Retreat Reflections, Part I  


Thoughts on Winter Solstice