Thoughts on Winter Solstice

I share a few of my practical ideas for embracing the season; where Hygge meets Friluftsliv

Winter Solstice: this is the shortest day, and longest night of the year.  On the solstice, the sun travels the shortest path through the sky.  Earth’s poles reach the maximum tilt away from the sun.  Therefore, we experience the least amount of sunlight and the most amount of darkness. 

December 21st is also the official start to winter!

Winter Solstice is a marker in time that allows us to reflect. I like to focus specifically on my relationship with Winter around the time of the solstice. 

Amanda and I have been on a long-term journey of improving our relationships with winter.  I mean after all… it’s winter for A LONG period of the year in Minnesota.  Why not figure out how to actually enjoy it?

Over the years, here are a few ways I’ve embraced and  improved my relationship with Winter. I’d love to share them with you! I’ve separated them into two categories: Hygge and Friluftsliv.

Hygge Qualities

Hygge: pronounced “hoo-ga, which translates to a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being. 

Slow Living

I truly love the way my family’s routine slows down in the winter.  I love the go-go-go of summer as well, but I definitely need the slow down and change to balance it out. 

Ambient Lighting

Give me the candles and lights, electric or flame. We mostly heat our home with an indoor wood-burning fire and I love the warmth and ambience of it. Twinkling strings of Christmas lights - yes, please! Soft and magical lighting in the dark should fully be embraced where possible.


Warm tea, cocoa, and coffee all taste so much better when it’s chilly and dark.  I love the comforting process of loose leaf tea in the evenings. Ya’ll know we love organic, Minnesota-made Well Rooted Tea.


I love my cozy clothes.  Wool socks.  Cozy hat.  Blanket.  I put my heavy comforter on my bed in the winter.  Embrace the cozy. 


I feel like reading brings the ultimate feeling of relaxation combined with all of the above.  Good book, tea, cozy clothing, ambient lighting, and nowhere to go?  Oh yeah!

Quiet Beauty

Everything in nature has slowed down and quieted down.  Did you know that fresh snow absorbs sound? That’s why it’s so dramatically quiet when it snows. I like to think of myself as following the quiet and calm rhythm as well. 


My family is very fortunate to not have to set early alarm clocks in the winter.  I know - very lucky!  That said, our whole family seems to embrace the longer nights.  On average, in the winter we all sleep in most days and have slow mornings.  Embracing sleep in the winter and falling in sync with the rhythm in nature as much as we can is a lifestyle we love.  (p.s. this is not every morning…many times my little one loves to wake us all up at 5:00am lol…but hey everyone needs goals and mine include sleeping in!)


I like to embrace warm, comfort foods during the winter.  For example, I don’t know about you, but in the summer I love a robust salad and in the winter that is largely unappealing to me.  I’ve embraced eating seasonally.  See you in the summer delicious salads…..hello soups, hearty cooked vegetables, and warm meals.

Gluggaveður - Window Weather

The Icelandic word that translates to: “window weather”.  Appreciating the harsh Minnesota weather from your cozy, warm home.  Sitting indoors and feeling grateful for a roof over your head, while simultaneously feeling inspired and in awe of nature and the weather outside your window. 

Friluftsliv Qualities

Friluftsliv:  pronounced “free-loofts-liv”, which translates to “open-air living”.  This concept is about immersion in nature, regardless of weather, with respect and mindful appreciation. 

Dress for the weather

I am fully here for the mindset, “there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.”  I can dress myself up and enjoy the winter, yes even in those negative degree days.  Are you an adult without comfortable snow pants?  My gosh… get some. 


Embracing sunlight and fresh air in the winter is a wonderful thing.  The sun is EXTRA bright with a reflection of snow. 

Moon and Stargazing

Extra magnificent in the glow of the snow.  The moon and stars twinkle so brightly in the winter.  Also, I love that I can enjoy them EARLY!  I’m not much of a late night owl. 

Aurora Borealis 

The northern lights….ahhhh so stunning to behold! Again… I am not into late nights.  Being able to stand in awe of the Northern Lights early in the night?  Perfect. :)

Night Walks

I’ve enjoyed going out for walks in the dark.  Whether it’s alone, or with the whole family. A headlamp or flashlight brings an element of fun. Of course you need to assess the safety of where you’re at, but in many environments the dark is no less dangerous than the day-time. 

Cross Country Skiing

I love cross country skiing.  A recreational outlet I didn’t discover until adulthood, I am GIDDY at the thought of fresh snow and fresh groomed trails. 

Ice Hole Cold Plunges + Sauna

Okay this is a rare opportunity for me, one I usually only get at retreats.  This is another gem I haven’t embraced until very recently and I’m HOOKED.   And there is nothing like jumping in a Minnesota frozen lake from a sauna.  Stars and moon to boot?  An absolute dream.

Snow Play!

Making snow people, snow forts, and snow angels doesn’t have to last a long time.  Getting the snow pants on and really get in there always results in a smile on my face. 


Winter bonfires are so fun and refreshing. Bundle up in your snowpants and make a s’more. Again, nice and early but beautiful in the dark.  See the trend here? Lol!  

Did you Know?

  • The sunset in Minnesota actually shifts later SOONER than the solstice? It's more like Dec. 15. That is... the sunset occurs earlier and earlier until 12/15, and then begins to shift later WHILE the sunrise continues to occur later. THUS the longest night of the year is Dec. 21.Sunset in MN begins moving later around Dec. 15th!

  • The winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, or northern half of the Earth, happens annually on December 21 or 22.

We’d love to practice yoga, journal, and reflect with you.  Checking in with your relationship with winter before it really ramps up is a nice opportunity.

Winter Solstice Live Virtual Workshop

Self-Care in Winter; where Hygge meets Friluftsliv

December 21, 2023

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Light a candle, make yourself a comfy and quiet space, grab your mat and journal, and treat yourself to 120 minutes of self-care. It can be fun to share the practice and your answers with a friend or loved one!




Breathing is your Superpower, Part II