5 Tips to Boost Mental Energy and That Afternoon Slump

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We’ve all been there; the slow mornings, the afternoon sluggishness, the work daze, the overwhelming feeling of burn out. Our daily activities can add extra stress onto our bodies leaving us feeling a little lethargic by the time the afternoon sun begins to set.  

How can we help boost our mental energy during the day to avoid the late afternoon slump? 

Here are 5 ways to help boost your mental energy.

1. Do not over schedule or over commit. 

Stay organized with personal and work commitments and try not to pack too many things into one day. Allow some time on the schedule (preferably in the morning or early afternoon) for relaxation, yoga, reading, exercise, or whatever makes you feel good. This will help fuel your mental energy so you don’t hit that three o’clock wall. 

2. Alternate low and high intensity tasks

Personally, I know if I focus too long on a demanding task, I quickly begin to feel drained, losing mental clarity. Try dedicating an hour or two to a challenging project and then step away for a bit to focus your time on something a little easier. This gives your brain time to rest and boost creativity.

3. Take a moment to pause

Stress and strong emotions deplete the body of energy and can lead to an afternoon slump. To conserve energy, try taking a few moments to pause and breathe. Taking slow, deep and steady breaths will settle the body and calm the heartbeat, lowering blood pressure. 

4. Take a mindful walk outside  

Walking is known for boosting your well-being and easing the body of stress and anxiety. Avoid looking at your phone and focus on utilizing your five senses; what do you feel? What do you smell? Taste? See? Hear? You don’t have to walk very long to feel the effects and the mental clarity that accompanies it. 

5. Listen to your body. 

Give your body the rest and attention it needs to feel rejuvenated. You may want to avoid high caffeinated drinks that can temporarily amp up your energy making you crash later in the day. Rest when you need to rest, take time off of work, go on vacation, and be ok with taking time for yourself!

Remember, these are just a few suggestions to help beat that late afternoon slump. Daily exercise along with proper nutrition play a very important role in mental clarity and energy as well. Find a routine that works with you and your schedule and stick to it, your body will thank you. 

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