Quiet Your Mind During Savasana
When we are in savasana our bodies are feeling the benefits from our practice while resting in stillness. We stay deeply connected to our breath and the present moment and can begin to fully experience the full effects of our yoga practice.
Yoga to Ease Insomnia and Improve Sleep
Insomnia, difficulty sleeping, and sleep deprivation are common problems. Our lives are extremely fast-paced and our senses are subject to constant stimulus. Trouble sleeping is something I hear on a weekly basis from friends, students, and family. This blog provides a simple yoga practice (10 min or less) to implement before bed to improve sleep. Sweet dreams yogis!
2020 Retreats and Exciting News
Exciting news from Bryana and Amanda! This blog includes dates, prices, and details for 2020 retreats.
Yoga and Your Pelvic Floor Muscles
The pelvis is the center of our body: It connects our upper and lower halves. It is such a vital focus in yoga, and in life! Taking care of our pelvic floor is so much more than kegels. In this blog, I myth-bust some commonly held beliefs on the pelvic floor muscles, yoga, mula bandha, kegels, frequency of urination, pregnancy, and more.
Chandra Namaskar: An Introduction to Moon Salutations
Whether new to moon salutations, or a seasoned yoga teacher, we hope this blog will provide some inspiration for your at-home and/or teaching practice. Moon Salutations can be a beautiful and special practice during times of high heat or high energy when soothing is required. Like a sun salutation, each movement is coordinated with your breath. Inhale to extend, exhale to bend. Unlike vigorous sun salutations which are heating and stimulating, moon salutations are cooling and quieting.
We practice moon salutations to calm the mind and draw awareness inward.
You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be
A guest blog: Inside the mind of a first time Boreal Bliss Yoga Retreater.
Tales of a Pregnant Yoga Teacher
Pregnancy typically brings about a lot of interest, and questions. I’ve also found that teaching yoga while pregnant is fascinating to people. Here I share my experiences with pregnancy so far, and some of my most frequently asked questions.
Healing at Red Rocks
It’s amazing how powerful music is and how connected we all feel towards it. A song, an album, a timeline of our past life filled with love, heartache, and joy. A tool to help cope with big life changes and a way to bring a smile to our faces.
Who Should Attend a Boreal Bliss Yoga Retreat?
We get a lot of great questions about retreats. Some of the most common questions are about who attends, why, and if someone should/shouldn’t go for “x,y,z ..” reason. We will share our most commonly asked questions about attendance, and some more information for you on what a Boreal Bliss Yoga Retreat is all about!
North Shore Adventures: 8 Stops between Duluth and Tettegouche State Park
A helpful guide for hikes, paddles, picnic locations, and places to eat between Duluth and Tettegouche State Park.
Part 2 of 10: Satya (truthfulness)
This blog is the second of a ten-part series exploring the Yamas and Niyamas. In this series, we hope to provide some ways to begin thinking about yoga off the mat, a yoga lifestyle. In this piece, we explore five ways to consider ways to incorporate satya (truthfulness) into our life.
Find Your Bliss
Life is beautiful when we slow down and appreciate it. Soak it all in.
Enjoy a recap of our long weekend retreat in Walker, MN at Camp Bliss.
3 Ways to Balance Kapha
When in balance, Kapha provides strength and a sense of grounding. When out of balance, we feel lethargic, heavy.
Part 1 of 10: Ahimsa (non-violence)
This is the first of a ten-part series exploring the Yamas and Niyamas. In this series, we hope to provide some ways to begin thinking about yoga off the mat, a yoga lifestyle. In this piece, we explore eight ways to cultivate Ahimsa (non-violence) into our daily lives.
Two Women in the BWCA
Our first trip changed our lives forever. I left home a hopeful, wannabe wilderness woman and I emerged from the BWCA a satisfied, proud, and nourished, wilderness adventure woman for life.
How To Use The Breath To Release Unwanted Emotions
A calm, deep breath, and control over it, is needed to keep relative balance within the mind and body. But how do we tap into the power of our breath before we enter into our fight-or-flight state?
All-Natural Spring Cleaning
“I used to think a house that smelled like bleach was a clean house!” says Stacy Nightwine, our essential oils guru and BFF. Stacy shares some tips on cleaning using products like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils as an alternative to chemical household cleaners. Detoxing routines can feel overwhelming- so we focused on sharing a few tips that we hope you find simple, rewarding, and cost-effective.
2019 Yoga Retreats and A Surprise Announcement
We have already experienced two AMAZING retreats in 2019. We cannot wait for the remaining getaways. We have an update on what you can still register for this year! We also have a REALLY BIG SURPRISE ANNOUNCEMENT at the end!
The Hero's Journey: A Retreat with Sarah Seidelmann and the Beasties
A summary of our retreat with the woman who inspires all around her to see the MAGIC every where you look: Sarah Seidelmann. Her workshop on the Hero’s Journey became the overarching theme of our weekend together at the Audubon Center of the North Woods, with lots of messages from the beasties.