Introducing Stacy Nightwine!
She’s been retreating with us since the very beginning folks. You know her. You love her. It’s the one and only…..
Introducing Lindsay Bjorkland
March is Women’s History Month! At Boreal Bliss, we havea long-standing tradition of featuring women who inspire us in Minnesota every March. This week we’d like to share a little bit more about a outdoorswoman who inspires us- Lindsay Bjorkland, Executive Director at Deep Portage Learning Center.
Things to do with children in Duluth
Ideas for making memories with your children in Duluth, MN. Family friendly outdoor adventures, (and a few indoor destinations too).
Introducing Pam Wright
March is Women’s History Month! At Boreal Bliss, we have a long-standing tradition of featuring women who inspire us in Minnesota every March. This week we’d like to share a little bit more about an outdoorswoman who inspires us: Pam Wright!
Radical Recap: stories + photos from our February yoga retreat!
We think we will remember it all. In reality, our memories are like cheesecloth. So many precious moments slip right on through. When we journal at a retreat, even by making a bullet point list of sights, sounds, smells, sensations, experiences, and tastes, we are putting together the memory. We are actively working to add context to the experience. This helps us reminisce later! So here we go… let’s reminisce!
Surprise: Camp Bliss this Spring!
Surprise! We have a retreat happening at the beautiful Camp Bliss in Walker, MN this Spring! Limited space remaining. This is our smallest, most intimate group retreat.
The Cat’s Outta the Bag: retreat in Alaska
It all happened real fast, so we didn’t know how to share this exciting news. But then we sort of spilled the beans on instagram over the weekend - so we thought we’d share the full story. We are bringing a group of Adventure Awaits alum to Alaska this July. EEK!
Cozy + Carefree Retreat Recap
A day retreat with Jessica that had been in the works for several months. Having everything come to fruition left me with JOMO (joy of missing out)!
The Latest Buzz on Boreal Bliss
We’ve made some fun surprising connections recently and we’d love to share them with you!
Friluftsliv Retreat Recap: an “open-air life” dream!
Thankfully, winter finally arrived while we were at Camp du Nord in Ely- fresh into the new year. Read the recap of our 2024 Friluftsliv yoga retreat!
Announcing Spring Day Retreats!
We have two different day retreat opportunities we are thrilled to announce! One in St. Louis Park with Jessica, and one at Gooseberry Falls State Park with Stacy! Day retreat registration opens January 28th at 8:00am!
Announcing Adventure Awaits Registration for August 2024!
Announcing our 2024 Adventure Awaits Yoga Retreats on the edge of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness! This will be our 5th year at Birchwood Wilderness Camp. Registration launches February 11 at 8:00am. Does this retreat sell out immediately? Historically, yes. Read more about the retreat and the dates for session 1 & 2.
On-Demand Yoga: on Sale Until January 21st
Have you heard? Our new platform is getting some great feedback. Thank you so much! Read more to see specific comments from folks, as well as the content we are growing in this new virtual on-demand library!
Healing Stories: Minnesota’s New Flag & The New Beatles Song
The new state flag, the last new Beatles recording- what do they have in common? Read more here.
New Beginnings
The energy of a new year is palpable. It’s a full circle moment. Last year at this time you were an entirely different person.
Grant for Black, African American, African Heritage Scholarships
New in 2024! The Unity Fund has granted our non-profit scholarship foundation financial aid. Read more for qualifications and application. Please share this opportunty with your networks & anyone who may qualify!
2023 Retreat Reflections, Part I
My reflection mode status is officially activated. In remembering highs and lows of 2023, I thought I’d share my most memorable moments while at retreats in 2023.
In America we so often agree on a time to slow down and rest. The period of time between the Winter Solstice, Dec 21st, and the New Year is a period made for deep, soul nourishing rest- Yuletide. Steep in all things warm and cozy. Step away from anything and everything that stresses you. Life is meant to be enjoyed- find ways to enjoy it.
Thoughts on Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice is a marker in time that allows us to reflect. I like to focus specifically on my relationship with Winter around the time of the solstice. I share a few of my Hygge and Friluftsliv ideas for embracing this long season in Minnesota.